Dynamic PIM Test

The importance of dynamic PIM


Static PIM Test

Measurement values of static tests need to be below the required limit, but they should also be stable. The signal should not alter too much during the measurement. Changes of 2-4 dB are acceptable, higher swings - even if they are within the required limits -can be an indicator for (future) PIM problems.

Static PIM testing can’t identify loose metal to metal connections, contact surface defects and many other defects, without the dynamic PIM testing, these defects could go into the systems, and may activated by wind, and any movement of the cables.


Dynamic PIM Test (Wiggle test)

The dynamic PIM test (wiggle test) checks the quality of assemblies between cables and connectors.

Tested cables are moved in a circular way (turn diameter about 10 cm). Wiggle tests detect loose contacts and poor workmanship of cable assemblies. They find also bad soldering and shielding cracks. PIM measurements must be stable throughout the test.


Dynamic PIM Test (Tap test)

In the dynamic test (tap test), a harder device (made of wood or plastic material) is used to tap at all connectors. PIM readings should stay stable during this test. Possible contaminations like dust, metal chips in the connectors will cause spikes in the reading whenever the connectors are tapped.

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